Idaho House Bill 57–Increasing Minimum Wage

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Idaho House Bill 57 was also referred to the Commerce and Human Resources Committee this week. This bill would raise Idaho’s minimum wage from the current $7.25 per hour to $8.25 per hour and would tie annual increases to the Consumer price index in future years. It also proposes to uncouple the Idaho minimum wage from the Federal wage.

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Idaho House Bill 56–Minimum Wage for Tipped Employees

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Idaho House Bill 56 was referred to the Commerce and Human Resources Committee this week. This bill proposes to raise the minimum wage for tipped employees from the current $3.35 per hour to $4.35 per hour in 2014 and an additional $1.00 per hour each fiscal year after until it conforms to the Federal minimum wage law.

 » Read more about: Idaho House Bill 56–Minimum Wage for Tipped Employees  »